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16 September 2024

Compliance sector update

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A year since its inception, Kajima Compliance has seen successes with designing and implementing monitoring solutions within the public and private sectors to improve transparency, ensuring parties are delivering or receiving the service and asset they have paid.

In Q2, the first internal audits for Kajima Europe’s projects were carried out on Student Depot. The audits identified improvements, and the compliance team is working closely with the Student Depot‘s team to resolve them.

The team also completed audits for Sheffield Schools, and a proposal for HSE Bootle was issued and awaiting instruction. The PFI health checks for Norwich Schools carried out in Q1 identified numerous improvements, and follow-up visits are planned for August. Upcoming PFI deep dive audits are in place for Ealing Schools and Brighton Schools in August, alongside Woodale Education Centre in September.

The Compliance team is also working with the Asset Management Team on a pioneering system that will automatically request and monitor information from the FM Providers on specified dates, and the trial is due to go live in July.

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